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Generics in Swift, Part 2

Part 6 of a series on Swift enums, pattern matching, and generics.

In this article, I aim to provide a comprehensive description of how the generic programming facilities in Swift work. For a gentler introduction, please see the previous post in this series.

Generic programming is a form of programming in which things such as types (classes, structs, enums) and functions can be defined with the help of type parameters. Type parameters are placeholders for actual types which are ‘filled in’ whenever the generic type or function is actually used.

The most visible example of generic programming in Swift might be the humble Array type. In Objective-C, instances of the array type NSArray could contain objects of any type. However, Swift’s Arrays are always parameterized by the type of the items they contain, and so we have instances of Array<Int>, Array<UIView>, et cetera. Array is a type, and Int is a type, and generics allow these two types to work together in a way that makes sense and conveys extra information.

An aside: The idiomatic way to represent an Array containing Foo instances in Swift is [Foo]. This article uses Array<Foo> in order to aid understanding and emphasize the fact that Array is an ordinary generic type; the longer form is exactly equivalent to the [Foo] syntactic sugar.

Why generics?

Here are a few reasons why generic programming can be useful for a statically typed language:

  • Type safety. Container types (like arrays) can be given information about the types of the items they store, which allows the compiler to ensure that only the right kinds of objects can be inserted into or returned from the container. This applies to any type which can be parameterized in terms of one or more other types, and it also applies to relationships between types.

  • Less code duplication. In some cases you need to carry out essentially the same operation on items of varying types. Instead of writing multiple copies of the same function which differ only in terms of their argument and return value types, you can write a single generic function. This is less error-prone, preserves type information, and can make your intent clearer.

  • Library flexibility. Libraries that expose APIs can avoid forcing their consumers to supply arguments and accept return values of a fixed type. Instead, they can abstract over these types using generics. For example, generics might allow an API function to accept not only Array arguments, but an instance of any type that can be treated as a collection.

If you don’t understand yet, read through the rest of the article and then revisit this section. Hopefully, seeing how generic programming in Swift works will clarify the reasons given above.

Generic entities

Generic programming in Swift shows up in two different contexts: when defining types, and when defining functions. The presence of a generic type signature, the part of the type or function declaration denoted by the angle brackets < and >, indicates that a type or function is generic.

Generic types

All three of Swift’s primary user-defined types can be made generic. Here’s an example of a Result enumeration type that can store either a Success value or a Failure value.

enum Result<T, U> {
  case Success(T)
  case Failure(U)

Right after the name of the type, Result, we define the type parameters, T, and U. These type parameters are placeholders that will be replaced with actual types when creating an instance of that type. For example:

let aSuccess : Result<Int, String> = .Success(123)
let aFailure : Result<Int, String> = .Failure("temperature too high")

A generic type’s type parameters can be used in the following ways:

  • As the type of a property
  • As the type of an associated value in an enum case
  • As a return type or an argument type for a method or subscript
  • As an argument type for an initializer
  • As a type parameter for another generic type used within the type definition (for example, an Array<T> property)

Generic types can be instantiated in one of two ways:

  • The type parameters are ‘filled in’ when explicitly giving the variable holding the new instance a type annotation.
  • The type is inferred, but the type parameters are ‘filled in’ when calling an initializer or static method to create the instance.
struct Queue<T> { /* ... */ }

// First way to instantiate
let a1 : Queue<Int> = Queue()
let a2 : Queue<Int> = Queue.staticFactoryMethod() // or just .staticFactoryMethod()

// Second way to instantiate
let b1 = Queue<Int>()
let b2 = Queue<Int>.staticFactoryMethod()

Note that type parameters like T only show up in the definition of a type. Whenever that type is used, those type parameters must be replaced by actual types.

For example, all instances of the generic type Array that exist are actually Arrays parameterized by concrete types: for example, Array<String> or Array<UIWindow>. There are no such things as ‘free’ Arrays. If you ever work with Array<T>s, it is always in the context of type parameters that were defined by other types or functions.

Generic functions

Functions, methods, properties, subscripts, and initializers can be generic as well, either by themselves or (in the case of everything but functions) in the context of a generic type.

// Given an item, return an array with that item repeated n times
func duplicate<T>(item: T, numberOfTimes n: Int) -> [T] {
  var buffer : [T] = []
  for _ in 0 ..< n {
  return buffer

Again, the type parameters are defined within the angle brackets < and > immediately following the function name. They can then be used in the following ways:

  • As the type of an argument to the function
  • As the type of the function’s return value
  • As a type parameter for another generic type used in the function signature. For example, T can be used as part of an Array<T?> return type.

Note that the compiler will complain if any type parameters remain unused.

Generic methods can be defined on both generic and non-generic types. For example:

extension Result {
  // Transform the value of the 'Result' using one of two mapping functions
  func transform<V>(left: T -> V, right: U -> V) -> V {
    switch self {
    case .Success(let value): return left(value)
    case .Failure(let value): return right(value)

Our transform method is generic, and resides within the generic type Result. In addition to the type parameters T and U defined by Result, we also have access to the type parameter V defined by the generic method itself.

Be aware that ‘shadowing’ type parameters (for example, if the method had defined U instead of V) can lead to cryptic error messages.

When invoking a generic function, it isn’t necessary to explicitly specify what types you want the type parameters to take on. The compiler’s type inference engine automatically deduces this information by examining the argument and return types:

// Example use of the 'duplicate:numberOfTimes:' function defined earlier.
// T is inferred to be Int.
let a = duplicate(52, numberOfTimes: 10)

In fact, attempting to explicitly set the type parameters will cause an error:

// Does not compile
// Error: "Cannot explicitly specialize a generic function"
let b = duplicate<String>("foo", numberOfTimes: 5)

Associated types

Protocols in Swift cannot be defined generically using type parameters. Instead, protocols can define what are known as associated types using the typealias keyword.

// A protocol for things that can accept food.
protocol FoodEatingType {
  typealias Food

  var isSatiated : Bool { get }
  func feed(food: Food)

In this example, Food is an associated type defined on the protocol FoodEatingType. Protocols can support as many associated types as necessary.

Associated types, like type parameters, are placeholders. A type that wants to conform to the protocol gets to decide what concrete type Food should be (e.g. Hay or Rabbit). The way it does this is by implementing the protocol’s properties and methods, and deciding what types replace the associated types in the actual implementations. Here is an example:

class Koala : FoodEatingType {
  var foodLevel = 0
  var isSatiated : Bool { return foodLevel < 10 }

  // Koalas are notoriously picky eaters
  func feed(food: Eucalyptus) {
    // ...
    if !isSatiated {
      foodLevel += 1

The associated type Food is defined to be Eucalyptus for Koalas. In other words, Koala.Food is defined to be Eucalyptus. A type that conforms to multiple protocols might end up pulling in multiple associated types.

If a conforming type is generic, you can also use the type parameters to help define the associated types:

// Gourmand Wolf is a picky eater and will only eat his or her favorite food.
// Individual wolves may prefer different foods, though.
class GourmandWolf<FoodType> : FoodEatingType {
  var isSatiated : Bool { return false }

  func feed(food: FoodType) {
    // ...

let meela = GourmandWolf<Rabbit>()
let rabbit = Rabbit()

In this case, GourmandWolf<Goose>.Food is Goose, while GourmandWolf<Sheep>.Food is Sheep.

As an aside, associated types can be required to conform to protocols by appending : and one or more comma-separated protocol names. For example, the keys of a heap must be comparable, and we can express that constraint as follows:

// Types that conform represent simple max-heaps which use their elements as keys
protocol MaxHeapType {
  // Elements must support comparison ops; e.g. 'a is greater than b'.
  typealias Element : Comparable

  func insert(x: Element)
  func findMax() -> Element?
  func deleteMax() -> Bool

Finally, the special ‘associated type’ Self in a protocol definition always refers to the conforming type’s type. For example, a type Foo that implements a protocol BarType must replace Self with Foo when implementing BarType’s methods or properties.

Type constraints

Up until now, we’ve only seen ‘free’ type parameters. T and U in our previous examples could be satisfied by any type. The standard library’s Array is an example of a type that places no constraints on its type parameter: if you can define a type Foo, you can create an Array<Foo>.

Motivating example

Sometimes, this isn’t enough. Let’s work through an illustrative example. We will try to write a function that takes in an array of objects and returns the ‘largest’ one:

// Doesn't compile.
func findLargestInArray<T>(array: Array<T>) -> T? {
  if array.isEmpty { return nil }
  var soFar : T = array[0]
  for i in 1..<array.count {
    soFar = array[i] > soFar ? array[i] : soFar
  return soFar

Swift’s compiler complains. It turns out that our code involves a comparison: array[i] > soFar. We know that array[i] is of type T, and soFar is also of type T. But Swift asks us (not unreasonably): “how can you know that Ts are comparable?”. What if we created an empty struct Foo, and called this function on an array of Foos? In this case, there isn’t any version of > that can compare two Foos.

In Swift, protocols are how types declare they support functionality. It turns out there is a standard library protocol which guarantees that conforming types can be compared using >, and it’s called (surprise) Comparable. So if we could somehow restrict our arguments to our function to be “only arrays whose elements are Comparable”, we could get our function to compile properly.

This is indeed possible, as the revised example below shows. Try calling the function with arrays containing instances of other types: String (compiles) and NSView (won’t compile).

// Note that <T> became <T : Comparable>, meaning that whatever type fills in
// 'T' must conform to Comparable.
func findLargestInArray<T : Comparable>(array: Array<T>) -> T? {
  if array.isEmpty { return nil }
  var soFar : T = array[0]
  for i in 1..<array.count {
    soFar = array[i] > soFar ? array[i] : soFar
  return soFar

// Example usage:
let arrayToTest = [1, 2, 3, 100, 12]
// We're calling 'findLargestInArray()' with T = Int.
if let result = findLargestInArray(arrayToTest) {
  print("the largest element in the array is \(result)")
} else {
  print("the array was empty...")
// prints: "the largest element in the array is 100"

This is, in some sense, the paradox of generics: the more you narrow down your type parameters by adding constraints, the more you’re allowed to do with them. Type parameters that are completely unconstrained can’t be used for much more than swapping or insertion/removal from collections. Type parameters that are tightly constrained gain access to many more methods and properties than they would otherwise, and can be used as arguments to many more functions.

Simple constraints

If the only constraint you need is for each type parameter to conform to at most one protocol, you can append : and the name of the protocol after the type parameter. In the following example, T can be any type, but U must be Equatable and V must be Hashable:

func example<T, U : Equatable, V : Hashable>(foo: T, bar: U, baz: V) {
  // ...

What can you constrain?

Perhaps you need finer-grained control. Fair enough. Let’s first tally up exactly what you have at your disposal:

  • Type parameters like U, V, etc.

These might have been defined by your type or method’s generic type signature, or by an enclosing type or method. (For example, a generic method belonging to a generic type Foo has access to Foo’s type parameters, as well as its own. Refer to the transform() example from earlier.)

  • Type parameters’ associated types (if any)

If you require any type parameters to conform to a protocol, you get access to the type parameter’s associated types as well. For example, if U conforms to FoodEatingType from before, you automatically gain access to the associated type U.Food. If V conforms to both MaxHeapType and the standard library’s RawRepresentable protocol, you now have both V.Element and V.RawValue to work with.

How can you constrain it?

Swift supports three types of constraints:

  • T : SomeProtocol: the type parameter T must be satisfied by a type which conforms to the protocol SomeProtocol. Note that protocol composition using protocol<Foo, Bar> works here.
  • T == U: the type parameter or associated type T must be equal to the type parameter or associated type U.
  • T : SomeClass: T must be a class; more specifically, T must be satisfied by an instance of SomeClass or one of its subclasses. This one is rare.

Putting it all together

Put together your generic type signature as follows:

  • Declare your type parameters. If you want, each type parameter declared here can conform to a single protocol as described above.
  • where keyword
  • Declare your constraints, separated by commas.

Here is a (highly contrived) example intended to demonstrate the syntax:

protocol Foo {
  typealias Key
  typealias Element

protocol Bar {
  typealias RawGeneratorType

func example<T : Foo, U, V where V : Foo, V : Bar, T.Key == V.RawGeneratorType, U == V.Element>
  (arg1: T, arg2: U, arg3: V) -> U {
  // ...

Don’t be intimidated! We’re going to break the generic type signature down step by step. Before the where keyword, we declare three type parameters: T, U, and V. T must conform to the Foo protocol (T : Foo).

After the where keyword, we declare four constraints:

  • V must conform to the Foo protocol (V : Foo).
  • V must also conform to the Bar protocol (V : Bar).
  • Since T conforms to Foo, T has an associated type T.Key. V also has an associated type V.RawGeneratorType. Those two types must be the same (T.Key == V.RawGeneratorType).
  • Since V conforms to Foo, V has an associated type V.Element. That associated type must be the same as U (U == V.Element).

Now, wherever you use the example() function, you need to choose your types T, U, and V such that they fulfill all these criteria. Only then will your code compile.

Constrained extensions

New in Swift 2 are constrained extensions, a powerful language feature which leverages generics.

In Swift, extensions allow you to add methods to any type, even types you didn’t define. They also allow you to add default implementations to methods defined in a protocol. Constrained extensions let you take this even further:

  • For a generic type (like Array), you can add methods which are only available if the generic type’s type parameters (or those parameters’ associated types) match a certain constraint.
  • For a protocol with associated types (like CollectionType), you can add default implementations for protocol methods which are only available if the associated types match a certain constraint.

Methods on constrained extensions are a great replacement for generic functions that have elaborate, difficult-to-read generic type signatures. You can also define computed properties, subscripts, and initializers in constrained extensions.

Syntax and limitations

The syntax for a constrained extension is as follows:

// Methods in this extension are only available to Arrays whose elements are
// both hashable and comparable.
extension Array where Element : Hashable, Element : Comparable {
  // ...

The where keyword follows the type name, and is itself followed by a list of one or more constraint clauses separated by commas.

You can’t (yet) constrain generic types so tightly that they would become non-generic (using ==):

// An extension on Array<Int>.
// Error: "Same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'Element' non-generic"
extension Array where Element == Int {
  // ...

Nor can your constrained extensions add conformance to additional protocols:

protocol MyProtocol { /* ... */ }

// Only Arrays with comparable elements conform to MyProtocol.
// Error: "Extension of type 'Array' with constraints cannot have an inheritance clause"
extension Array : MyProtocol where Element : Comparable {
  // ...

Hopefully both these limitations will disappear in the future.

Extension on CollectionType

Let’s rewrite the findLargestInArray() free function we defined earlier as a method on a constrained extension. In fact, we can allow this method to operate on any collection type (defined by the CollectionType protocol), not just arrays!

Types that conform to CollectionType represent collections of elements, like arrays and sets. It turns out that, for various reasons, CollectionType has an associated type that conforms to GeneratorType, and GeneratorType in turn has an associated type named Element. If you want to learn more about why this is, check out my article on sequences. Otherwise, just note that the type of a CollectionType’s elements can be represented by Self.Generator.Element.

Now, if we want to write a method for CollectionType instances that finds the largest element in the collection, it makes sense to restrict this method to only those CollectionType instances containing things that can be compared. This lends itself naturally to the following:

extension CollectionType where Self.Generator.Element : Comparable {
  func largestValue() -> Generator.Element? {
    // 'guard var' is, indeed, a real thing .__.
    guard var largestSoFar = first else {
      return nil
    for item in self {
      // 'item' and 'largestSoFar' are both type Self.Generator.Element.
      // Because of the 'where' clause, we know that Self.Generator.Element is
      // Comparable, and so we can invoke the '>' operator on its instances.
      if item > largestSoFar {
        largestSoFar = item
    return largestSoFar

(Note that we could have left off the ‘Self.’ in the where clause constraint, for brevity.)

Now we can call our new method on any CollectionType whose elements are comparable. Behold:

// Works on Arrays...
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].largestValue()

// ...the CharacterViews of Strings...

// ...and even Ranges

Extension on Array

Extensions on generic types work similarly. The primary difference is that you can constrain on the generic type parameters as well (note that Array is defined as Array<Element>).

The following extension method matches the behavior of our free findLargestInArray() function more closely, since it can only be called on Array instances. Otherwise it is nearly the same as the one we defined for CollectionType:

extension Array where Element : Comparable {
  func largestValue() -> Generator.Element? {
    guard var largestSoFar = first else {
      return nil
    for item in self {
      if item > largestSoFar {
        largestSoFar = item
    return largestSoFar


Now that you (hopefully) understand the semantics of generic programming in Swift, a discussion of several related topics follows.


There are a couple of ways in which generics might be implemented by a language.

Because Java needed to maintain backwards compatibility when generics were introduced, generics in Java are implemented using type erasure. When Java code is compiled, the compiler performs type checking and then discards the type information, inserting downcasts as necessary. Because type information is no longer available at runtime, Java’s generics are limited in quite a few ways.

Another approach, taken by C++, is to perform specialization. In this approach, different implementations of the same generic entity (in C++, template) may be generated by the compiler, each implementation corresponding to use of that entity by specific types. Each implementation might be optimized differently based on the concrete types that it takes.

Swift’s generics support is closer to that of C++. The Swift compiler can emit a ‘universal’ implementation of a generic function that works for any type, and also create different specialized variants for better performance. Swift has reified generics, meaning that type information is accessible at runtime. This allows you to write code like the following:

protocol SimpleInitable { init() }

// Create an array filled with 'count' empty instances of T
func emptyInstances<T : SimpleInitable>(count: Int) -> [T] {
  return (0 ..< count).map { _ in T() }

Without reified generics, we might invoke this method with differing return types, but it would be impossible at runtime to know exactly what concrete type T should be used to fill the array.


Generics are a compile-time construct. Generic code is specialized at compile time, and all the information that generics require to function must be available at compile time. This means that generics aren’t a replacement for runtime type checking and casting using is and as?, for runtime type introspection using dynamicType, or for overriding methods in subclasses.

If a generics-based solution to a given problem seems excessively troublesome (in particular, if you run into issues getting the compiler to accept your code), ask yourself:

  • Could I replace my use of generics with multiple hand-coded non-generic copies of my generic functions and types? (In other words, could I manually specialize my code?)

  • Is my program relying on information known only at runtime in order to determine what concrete types should be used when invoking my generic functions or types? For example, a function returns instances of class or protocol A, and you are trying to use generics to implement polymorphic behavior depending on what subclass or conforming type is actually dispensed.

If your answer to the first question is ‘no’ and/or your answer to the second question is ‘yes’, generics are almost certainly not the right tool for whatever you are trying to accomplish.


Static typing can be a useful tool, but a type system that is insufficiently expressive only gets in the way of the software engineer. Swift’s type system, while still limited in some important ways, derives a great amount of power from the language’s support for generics. Much of the Swift standard library utilizes generic programming, and many open-source libraries do so as well. This ultimately grants you, the developer, additional flexibility in choosing how to implement solutions to your problems.

Suggestions and criticism are welcome. In particular, if any of the subject matter remains unclear please drop me a note; anything that helps me improve this article is greatly appreciated.