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Swift's pattern-matching switch statement

Part 2 of a series on Swift enums, pattern matching, and generics. Previous post.

Parts of this blog post are adapted from a talk I gave at the Swift Language Users Group.

Swift includes support for pattern matching through the switch control-flow construct. Like in C or Objective-C, the switch construct attempts to match an input expression to one of several cases, executing code corresponding to the first matching case.

Switch statement basics

A simple switch statement follows:

let value = 10
switch value {
case 10: println("ten")         // this is printed
case 20: println("twenty")
case 30: println("thirty")
default: println("some other number")

The switch statement above looks very similar to a switch statement that one might find in C. However, there are several key differences:

  • The test expression, in this case value, does not need to be surrounded by parentheses.
  • There is a default catch-all clause. In Swift, switch statements must be exhaustive.
  • There is no use of the keyword break, although it exists and can be used. In Swift, only one branch is executed by default; Swift does not carry over C’s fallthrough-by-default behavior. Fallthrough behavior must be manually specified using fallthrough.

Switch branches cannot be empty; use break to indicate that nothing should be done for a given branch.

Switching on equatable values

Swift’s switch statement can match not only numbers, but any equatable type (such as strings):

let stateCode = "CA"
switch stateCode {
case "CA": println("California")    // this is printed
case "DE": println("Delaware")
case "PA": println("Pennsylvania")
case "TX": println("Texas")
default: println("Another state...")

Switching on ranges

Swift can also match numeric expressions to ranges (constructed using ... or ..<):

let v = 15
switch abs(v) {
case 0...9: println("single digit")
case 10...99: println("double digits")
case 100...999: println("triple digits")
default: println("four or more digits")

Switching on tuples

When the predicate expression is a tuple type, Swift matches each part of the tuple separately:

let person = ("Helen", 25)
switch person {
case ("Helen", let age):
  println("You are Helen, and you are \(age) years old")
case (_, 13...19):
  println("You are a teenager, not named Helen")
case ("Bob", _):
  println("You are not a teenager, but your name is Bob")
case (_, _):
  println("No comment")

A few things to note:

  • The _ can be used as a ‘don’t care’ marker. For example, the second case will ignore the first tuple element (the person’s name).
  • The final expression, (_, _), functions as a catch-all and is exactly equivalent to default in this example.

Binding values in cases

As seen in the previous section, the let keyword can be used in patterns to create a temporary binding for a value. For example:

let myTuple = ("abcd", 1234)
switch myTuple {
case let (x, y):
  println("the string 'x' is \(x), the integer 'y' is \(y)")

Note that a let-binding pattern always succeeds. This is why our single case above is sufficient to make the switch statement exhaustive. As well, if we only care about binding some of the elements in the tuple, we can use _ to ignore the ones we don’t care about.

The following example is exactly equivalent, since let distributes over the patterns in the tuple:

let myTuple = ("abcd", 1234)
switch myTuple {
case (let x, let y):
  println("the string 'x' is \(x), the integer 'y' is \(y)")

Finally, it is also possible to use var in lieu of let, allowing you to change the value of the symbol. (This is generally a bad idea, though.)

Switching on enums

Switch statements are an easy way to work with basic and raw-valued enums, and the only real way to work with enums with associated values. Switching on enums is quite straightforward:

enum Direction {
  case North, South, West, East
let myDir = Direction.West
switch myDir {
case .North: println("you're going north") 
case .South: println("you're going south")
case .West: println("you're going west")
case .East: println("you're going east")

Notice that we didn’t need to fully qualify each case (e.g. case Direction.North). Swift’s type inference knows that the predicate expression is of type Direction, so we can use the abbreviated syntax for specifying each case.

If we have enums with associated values, we can use let-binding to get at the values:

enum ParseResult {
  case Coordinates(Int, Int)
  case Error(String)
let result = ParseResult.Coordinates(12, 15)
switch result {
case let .Coordinates(x, y):
  println("Successful parse. Coords are (\(x), \(y)).")
case .Error(let err):
  println("Failed parse. Error is \(err)")

Note again the two ways the let-binding can be set up.

Switching on subtypes

If the switch predicate’s type is a class, it’s possible to use is and as to switch on subtypes. For example:

let view : UIView = getView() // get a view...
switch view {
case is UIImageView:
  println("It's an image view")
case let label as UILabel:
  println("It's a label")
case let tblv as UITableView:
  let sectionCount = tblv.numberOfSections()
  println("It's a table view with \(sectionCount) sections")
  println("It's some other UIView or subclass")

is just checks the type, while as is used along with let to downcast the predicate. For example, even though view is a UIView, tblv is a UITableView, so we can call methods and properties specific to that subclass on tblv.

Note that the cases must describe subclasses of the predicate’s type. For example, the compiler is smart enough to reject a case like case is UIView, since that case will always match.

where guards

Any case can be further qualified with a guard clause. The guard clause follows the case’s pattern, and is comprised of the keyword where followed by an expression that evaluates to true or false. Here is an example of a switch statement where all matching logic is carried out through guard clauses:

let view : UIView = getView() // get a view...
switch view {
case _ where view.frame.size.height < 50:
  println("This view is shorter than 50 units")
case _ where view.frame.size.width > 20:
  println("This view is at least 50 units tall, and more than 20 units wide")
case _ where view.backgroundColor == UIColor.greenColor():
  println("This view is at least 50 units tall, at most 20 units wide, and green")
  println("This view can't be described by this example")

Unfortunately, guard clauses tend to force you to include a default case, since the exhaustiveness checker cannot really reason about the logic within the guard clauses.

Switch expressions

Unlike similar switch constructs in languages such as Rust or Scala, Swift’s switch statement can’t be used as an expression.

This is inconvenient, especially when you wish to use a switch statement to initialize a constant to one of several values. Normally, you would have to declare a var instead, give it a default value, and then set it to the correct value using the switch statement. This is ugly and can obscure your intent.

However, there exists a workaround. You can wrap a switch statement in a closure and call that closure, simulating a proper switch expression. An example follows:

let name = "blue"
let color : UIColor = {
  switch name {
  case "red": return UIColor.redColor()
  case "green": return UIColor.greenColor()
  case "blue": return UIColor.blueColor()
  case "yellow": return UIColor.yellowColor()
  default: return UIColor.clearColor()
// color is now UIColor.blueColor()

We declare the constant color of type UIColor. We then initialize it to the result of running an anonymous closure ( = { ... }()). Finally, we write code in the closure to return one of several colors depending on the value of name. This closure’s type is inferred to be () -> UIColor, so running it produces a UIColor value.

Thank you for reading this rather long post about Swift’s pattern-matching switch statement! The next blog post in this series will discuss customizing the pattern-matching system.